Alexandra Hill

Sweet Potato Casserole

Alexandra Hill
Sweet Potato Casserole

It's holiday cooking season!! My favorite time of the year..Literally!

I love holiday food, like love! Especially Thanksgiving!

I'm that person who strategically places her food next to each other on my plate, like my mac and cheese needs to be next to my sweet potatoes (sweet and savory, get it?). I'm definitely not the person who eats every side dish one by one, rather my fork is piled high with each different side, to get a goooood taste of everything. Usually, my turkey or pernil (pork, I'm Puerto Rican so we have a roast pork for Thanksgiving) is the last think to get devoured, I'm that much of a sides person!

My bestie, Loni just turned 29 so she hosted a Friendsgiving this past weekend at her house and of course, in pure Loni fashion it was decked out and the table was decorated so cute and stylish, I might add! 

My dish was my Momma's famous Sweet Potato Casserole! Which was a hit, might I add. :-) 

Now, I used to HATE, like HATE sweet potatoes but ever since my mom switched over from the usual sliced up yams dosed in cinnamon and sugar and started making this casserole, I have been hooked ever since! I always forget the ingredients so I asked my Mom to send it over to me - Now, if you don't have a recipe that is half-ass'd sent to you that you need to decipher, is it really a family recipe!? See below lol.. I was like Mom, what? 

mom text.png

It's so simple to make and just sweet enough, it's almost like desert with the walnut brown sugar crumble but is literally THEE BEST! If your family tasked you with making a side, I highly suggest trying this dish out. 

If you try it, remember to tag #JustAddHotSauce

Sweet Potato Mixture: 

-  6 sweet potatoes (baked on 350 degrees for about an hour, until soft)

- 1/2 cup of sweetened condensed milk

1 cup of sugar

- 1/2 cup of melted unsalted butter

- 1 teaspoon vanilla

- 2 eggs

Walnut Brown Sugar Topping:

- 1 cup of brown sugar

- 1 cup of chopped walnuts

- 1/3 cup of melted unsalted butter

- 1/3 cup of self rising flour


1. Mix the sweet potato mixture together in a large bowl. Pour into baking pan. 

2. Mix the Walnut Brown Sugar Topping together. Sprinkle on top of the sweet potato mixture.

3. Bake on 325 for 30 min, until golden brown and bubbly!!


Cheers to eating!

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