Sweet Red Pepper & Basil Tomato Sauce

I have never been a fan of Italian food.. for some odd reason.
I think it's more of a "I don't want to get any sauce on my clothes" but in recent years, I have fallen in love with Italian food. So yesterday, on my way home from work I was thinking about what to cook and knew I had leftover fresh basil leaves from a pasta salad I made over the weekend for some friends.
BOOM! Some quick, homemade tomato sauce for spaghetti.
My friend, Smash aka Ashley from Hampton U gave me this recipe when we were both living in NYC and it is sooo quick & easy to make and not to mention yummy & vegan (For my 'What The Health' watchers). Instead of the processed canned tomato sauce you can make any variation that comes to mind, let that baby cook down on the stove top for about an hour and boom you're an Italian Grandmother that quick.
Honestly, this recipe came to my head as I was in Whole Foods but whatever flavors you are feeling, I recommend trying! My Aunt Flow (all my girls, will get what I am talking about) came this week so I was craving something sweet so I threw in some sugar into the sauce. You never know what awesomeness you can come up with.
Sweet Red Pepper & Basil Tomato Sauce
- 3 sweet red peppers
- A LOT of minced garlic (I did 5 garlic cloves for this recipe)
- 1/2 a large yellow onion, diced
- 6 fresh basil leaves
- 4 tomatoes, halved & diced
- 1 tablespoon sugar (taste to your liking)
- 1 teaspoon oregano
- 1 teaspoon red chili flakes (I like it spicy but taste to your liking)
- salt & pepper, to taste
Literally, this is the easiest recipe ever!
1. Combine all ingredients in a sauce pan and bring to a simmer on medium heat
2. Once it simmers, lower the heat and let it cook-down for about an hour.
3. Transfer sauce to a blender or food processor and blend to your desired texture
4. Transfer back to pan and let it simmer on low heat to taste it again before serving.
5. Serve over your favorite pasta!
Cheers to eating!!