Alexandra Hill

Fried Mac N' Cheese Bites

Alexandra Hill
Fried Mac N' Cheese Bites

This past weekend was SO much fun! 

My good friend and first roommate in NYC, Kelli, celebrated her 29th birthday with a good ole' house party/game night. It was too much fun, to say the least - we didn't go to sleep until 6AM!

Insane, right!? It's funny as you get older you don't really want to celebrate your birthday in the club anymore but just have a GREAT time chilling and drinking with your friends, in the house. Don't get me wrong, you can catch me in the club too, OKKKURR!

Anyway, me and her share a love for cooking so when she told me she was doing small bites, I immediately offered up my Fried Mac N' Cheese bites I made for my bestie Robert's 30th birthday game night, not too long ago. 

They were a hit! I first had fried mac n' cheese bites years ago at my favorite local bar in Harlem and I was hooked ever since. I don't know what it is about these little bites, it's either the crunchiness or the fact that it's loaded with creamy melted cheese but it's incredible. I've been wanting to try to make these for years and finally had the perfect reason to!

These bites are super easy to make and the perfect small bite for a intimate party! Just take your favorite mac n cheese recipe to form these bites. Mine is from my fave fellow foodie, The Kitchenista, who I am pretty sure has trumped my mother's recipe for her mac n cheese. For these particular bites, I switched Monterrey Jack cheese for smocked Gouda, which I LOVED! Smoked Gouda is my jam! The creaminess and the distinct taste made for the perfect combination! 

Anywhooooo, if you happen to try this recipe remember to tag #JustAddHotSauce or @ me on instagram @justaddhotsauce_ 

Happy cooking!


- Obviously, you're favorite pan of mac n cheese

- About 2 cups of seasoned bread crumbs (pour onto a plate)

- 1 egg

- 1/4 cup of milk (could be whole or 2 percent. whichever you prefer) 

- vegetable oil, for frying


1.  Make your mac n cheese a day before, be sure it is in a throwaway aluminum foil lined with parchment paper and stored in the refrigerator so it is cool before you cut it into squares.

2. Prepare the egg wash. In a small bowl, crack the egg and pour in the milk. Whisk everything together!

3. Transfer the mac n cheese out the aluminum foil and on to a cutting board. Cut the mac n cheese into roughly 1 x 1 inch cubes. 

4. Dip the cold squares into the egg wash then cover the squares in bread crumbs. Repeat until all the squares are covered and ready to be fried. 

5. In a deep cast iron pan pour a hefty amount of vegetable oil (about half way). Let it heat up fully on medium/high heat! Don't drop the squares in until the oil is hot! 

Tip trick: flick a little bit of water into the pan. If the water pops back at you the oil is hot and ready. 

6. Fry about 3-4 squares until golden brown on each side. About 2-3 minutes each. A great way to tell if the cheese is melted if it starts to oooozzzeee out!

7. Serve piping hot!

Cheers to eating!