Alexandra Hill

Copycat CPK BBQ Chicken Pizza

Alexandra Hill
Copycat CPK BBQ Chicken Pizza

Copycat CPK BBQ Chicken Pizza

Whew! The work week took me out!

I was sooo happy it was Friday and didn’t feel like ordering takeout and also didn’t want to spend a long time in the kitchen so me and the boo settled on homemade-ish pizza. His favorite pizza is BBQ chicken since college in Rhode Island so he actually came up with the idea. We rushed to our favorite local pizza shop and bought their dough for a WHOLE $5.00 (a MF win) and picked up some smoked gouda cheese & a rotisserie chicken. We already had some BBQ sauce in our fridge from DCity Smokehouse (soooo good) so we were ready to go!

This was the perfect Friday night and a very cute date night, I might add. The pizza was bomb & satisfied my craving. Alsooooo, the leftovers the next day were ohhh emmm geeee!

Bonus: I made roasted garlic oil the other weekend for my ravioli so drizzling this over the pizza was *chef’s kiss!


-your favorite pizza shop’s dough

-your favorite bbq sauce 

-rotisserie chicken (shred half)

-smoked gouda cheese on the block (shredded)

-1/2 red onion, thinly sliced

-arugula & roasted garlic oil, for garnish 

-salt & fresh cracked pepper 


-roasted garlic oil: pre-heat your oven to 250 degrees. In a oven safe pan, peel two heads of garlic and add them into the pan and cover with grape seed oil (flavorless). cover with foil and stick it in the oven for 2 hours until the garlic is soft & infused in the oil! store in a mason jar or squeeze bottle to be fancy 💁🏾‍♀️

-pre heat your oven to 550 degrees. be careful because the stove is HOT!

-roll out your dough as best as your can. toss the shredded chicken in bbq sauce so it doesn’t dry up when your pizza is cooking

-add your dough to a sheet pan, add the bbq sauce (don’t overwhelm the dough with sauce so it’s soggy), shredded smoked gouda cheese then the chicken and sliced onions. sprinkle with fresh cracked pepper, salt & drizzle the garlic oil over before it goes in the oven.

-add it in the oven and depending on your oven let it cook for about 10 min! watch your pizza!

-garnish with arugula & another drizzle of the roasted garlic oil!